The fourth and latest proposed set of changes to the Wiring Regulations is currently open for comments from the public. ECA’s Technical Manager Darren Crannis explains some of the key proposed changes in Amendment 4 to BS 7671:2018, and how ECA Members can respond to the Draft for Public Consultation (DPC) between now and 3 November 2024.
The rationale for Amendment 4 is similar to that behind the original 18th Edition and its 3 existing Amendments: given the way our industry operates, the roles electricians serve, and the increasing speed of technological change, the Regulations must reflect these changes to ensure installations stay safe, efficient, useful, and can meet evolving standards.
ECA is calling on its Members and the wider industry to submit their comments on the proposed Amendment 4 to the current edition of the Wiring Regulations BS 7671:2018 Amendment 2 (2022) + Amendment 3 (2024).
The hotly anticipated amendment will incorporate changes to harmonised standards at European level which the UK has to adopt within a certain time period. Until the amendment is published in 2026, you must have a copy of Amendment 2 (2022) - the ‘brown book’ and Amendment 3 (2024) free PDF bolt-on) to be up to date.
We welcome this proposed amendment, which crucially considers fast evolving technologies supporting a safe transition to net zero.
The amendment will further equip our sector with new requirements to safely design and install stationary secondary batteries, low voltage generation sets, power over Ethernet (PoE) and functional earthing and bonding for communication technology equipment (ICT).
The ECA Technical team are ready to support ECA Members, and the wider electrotechnical community, with the proposed changes and we encourage you to make comments via the BSI portal or via the ECA website.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and BSI jointly manage JPEL/64, the committee responsible for BS 7671, of which ECA is a key member.
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