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 Can Your Business Afford to Ignore Mental Well-Being?

Mental health issues are costing the UK construction sector between £70 - 100 billion annually. These losses stem from absenteeism, lower productivity, and high staff turnover - issues that directly impact electrical contractors.

With World Mental Health Day on 10 October, now is an ideal time to prioritise both your employees' well-being and your business. As Mental Health UK states: ‘It is time to prioritise mental health in the workplace.’ 

Ready to protect your workforce and boost productivity? Learn more about ECIS’s Private Medical Insurance and the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). For more information, contact ECIS on 0330 221 0249 or visit

When employees face mental health struggles, their stress levels rise, and productivity falls, impacting both their well-being and your project deadlines. Addressing these concerns helps prevent delays and ensures a healthier, more engaged workforce.

The Impact of Mental Health on Electrical Contractors

Electrical contractors face tight deadlines and rely on skilled workers. When employees experience mental health challenges - whether due to work stress or personal matters - their performance often declines, even if they don’t speak up.

Steve Bratt, CEO of the Electrical Contractors' Association (ECA), explains that the industry's "macho" culture often prevents open discussions around mental health. ‘People don’t like to admit they have a problem. They see it as a weakness, although many suffer.’

Imagine losing your top electrician or project manager just when you need them most because they’re struggling with mental health issues. This is a risk no business can afford. Confidential, accessible support for both work-related and personal issues could make all the difference.

How EAPs Can Help

The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), included in ECIS’s Private Medical Insurance, offers 24/7 confidential support. It provides counselling for stress, anxiety, and personal matters, as well as practical advice on financial, legal, or workplace issues. These services are available by phone or online, giving employees a private, straightforward way to seek help when they feel overwhelmed.

By addressing these issues early, EAPs help reduce burnout and long-term absences, keeping your team engaged and ensuring projects run smoothly. Even for smaller businesses, providing mental health support can lead to significant savings by reducing absenteeism and improving productivity. 

With EAP services included in ECIS’s Private Medical Insurance at no extra cost to employers, it's an investment in your team’s well-being and your company’s efficiency.

Why Mental Health Matters for Competitiveness

Supporting mental health gives electrical contractors a clear competitive advantage. Beyond business benefits, companies that show empathy and invest in well-being send a message that they care about their people.

Employees who feel supported are more loyal, motivated, and productive, helping reduce burnout and boosting morale.

By prioritising mental health, you demonstrate that you truly value your workforce. This leads to higher morale, less burnout, and greater productivity - helping you keep projects on track, even during busy periods.
Steps to Integrate Mental Well-Being into Health and Safety Procedures

To seamlessly incorporate mental health into your company's health and safety strategy, consider these steps:

  • Evaluate Mental Health Risks: Make assessing your team’s mental well-being a part of routine health and safety checks.
  • Provide Mental Health Training: Train your staff to spot the signs of mental health concerns and foster a supportive work environment.
  • Raise EAP Awareness: Make sure employees covered by ECIS know about the EAP and how they can access it.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Create an open culture where employees feel safe to discuss mental health without fear of stigma.

A Simple Solution for Safeguarding Your Team

The EAP, included in ECIS’s Private Medical Insurance, is a straightforward way to support your team’s mental health. Built into the policy, it requires no extra administration, offering a ready-made resource to help your workforce.

Your employees can access counselling, advice, and stress management tools - all designed to reduce absenteeism and presenteeism. These resources help keep your projects on track and avoid costly delays.

Take Action: Mental Health and Safety Go Hand-in-Hand

As World Mental Health Day draws near, it’s time to make mental well-being a key part of your health and safety strategy. Ignoring mental health can harm both your team and your project timelines. By using the EAP included in ECIS’s Private Medical Insurance Scheme, you protect your staff and your business.

Ready to protect your workforce and boost productivity? Learn more about ECIS’s Private Medical Insurance and the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). For more information, contact ECIS on 0330 221 0249 or visit