COP27 starts today and will be sure to dominate the headlines for the next couple of weeks. But it’s also Green Careers Week – and what better time to talk about green careers than now!
With the UK’s legally binding net-zero targets, rising energy bills, threats to energy security and climate change, our industry has a huge role to play in the way that we heat and power our homes. An electrotechnical career is a sure-fire way to make a real difference.
In October, ECA and MCS teamed up to showcase the crucial role of the electrotechnical industry in delivering low carbon solutions, at Solar & Storage Live in Birmingham.
Eighty apprentices from The City of Liverpool College (an ECA Educational Associate Member) were transported by coach to the Show as part of a joint venture between ECA and MCS for our Leading the Charge campaign. The day included talks from ECA President Steve Murray and Ian Rippin, CEO of MCS.
The event gave the students a chance to explore new avenues into the industry and consider a career in the low-carbon sector.
Stephen McGreevy, Head of Sustainable Construction & Building Services at The City of Liverpool College, said, “The day was a fantastic experience for our learners, who all found it to be very rewarding. They gained an insight into what careers are available and diverse routes into them, while also getting hands-on with the newest technology.
“These young people will contribute to the future success of our industry so it’s really important they have the chance to understand what exciting career opportunities are available to them and how they can apply their skills and knowledge,” said Ian Rippin, CEO of MCS. “Hosting them at Solar and Storage Live meant that they had a chance to get really hands on and meet some influential leaders.”
“I enjoyed spending some time with them and listening to their aspirations. Their enthusiasm and interest were particularly inspiring. I hope we’ve gone some way in helping them realise a career in the low carbon sector.”
“Our students also had an incredible opportunity to hear from and meet with renewable energy industry leaders to really enhance their knowledge,” Stephen added. “We were really pleased to be able to continue the collaboration with MCS and ECA - working together to inspire learners and the future renewable energy workforce.”
With thanks to Complete Training Solutions, British Gas, Solar Energy UK, SolarEdge and Rexel for their support.
Learn more about MCS here and find out more about routes into the low carbon electrotechnical industry at the Electrical Careers website, here.
In the latest Leading the Charge podcast with Jill Nichols from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education and Ruth Devine, Chair of The Electrotechnical Skills Partnership, discuss the opportunities of recruiting and retaining a workforce to meet our future needs. It’s well worth a listen – click here now!