ECA features prominently in Sussex Council’s preparations for a Green Skills revolution. The Council wants to transform how they do business to tackle the climate emergency head-on. They are putting people at the heart of the transition. and skills such as electrical competency, are needed to make the transition happen.
A report for businesses and job seekers, Future of Green Skills Sussex takes a sector led approach to uncover the challenges, potential, and opportunities for a transition.
ECA’s COO, Andrew Eldred, features on Pages 81 - 82. He says:
“The efficiency of installations and the impact of potential technological advancements are uncertain factors that could influence future workforce requirements”.
Drawing on ECA’s Local Skills Improvement Plans research he recognises the importance of a local response to workforce fluctuations.
“These plans play a crucial role in tailoring the development of the electrical workforce to local needs, advocating for better collaboration between employers, education providers, and other stakeholders to enhance the quality and relevance of training provide”.
Last updated 02 July 24