On the day ECA held its Project Net Zero Roadshow in Wales, Welsh Government announced a consultation on the future skills needed for the country’s transition to net zero by 2050. Its Net Zero Sector Skills Consultation cites evidence about the current skilled electrical workforce from ECA (Electrical Contractors’ Association) and the Climate Change Committee, along with the Regional Skills Partnerships and the Just Transition Call for Evidence.
The Net Zero Sector Skills Consultation sets out the Welsh Government’s understanding of the current position on skills for eight sectors. It links to existing policy commitments and the skills needed in the short, medium and long term. The outcome of this consultation will support the development of sector skills Roadmaps.
Keynote speaker at ECA’s Newport Roadshow was Wyn Prichard, Chair of the Optimized Retrofit Programme Skills and Training Group. The Net Zero Roadshow was one of ten held around the UK looking at the practical delivery of net zero, and the huge opportunities for businesses.
Wyn Prichard said:
“We need to take a collaborative approach across all sectors to improve the training landscape if we are serious about tackling net zero. The Welsh Government understands the importance trade bodies such as ECA play in helping them understand the skills electrical firms need to pivot their work to net zero and the gaps that need addressing.”
ECA’s Director of Workforce and Public Affairs, Andrew Eldred, speaking at the Newport Roadshow, said:
“As the main trade and employer association for electrotechnical and engineering services contractors, our Members attach great importance to technical education, and have a desire to improve the number and quality of technical education outcomes in Wales. We are pleased our detailed mapping of skills and training in Wales has supported this consultation document. We trust this will lead to a larger pool of qualified electricians ready and able to deliver the net zero programme to achieve Welsh Government targets.”
Earlier this year ECA’s Leading the Charge campaign featured in the Welsh Government’ s Net Zero Skills Action Plan. ECA was also involved in the development of the Welsh Green Personal Learning Accounts.
Members have welcomed the opportunity to take part in ECA’s recent Welsh Skills Forums which are helping drive engagement with the Welsh Government.
Further Project Net Zero Roadshows will take place in Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man in November.
Last updated 16 October 23