A-Z of guides and templates
How the Business Policy & Practice team can help
The Business & Legal team are here to help by providing you with practical and responsive, guidance, templates and tools to help you manage your business risks.
“We will give you the advice you need to navigate commercial risks and extricate yourself from commercial predicaments.”
Below is an outline of what we can do to support your business moving towards prosperity and growth.
- Our aim is to be your trusted intuitive business adviser – a reliable friend who will help you learn more about running a contracting business, avoiding and managing the pitfalls with affect your contemporaries where possible.
- We’re FREE! (unless stated otherwise) and can save you thousands of pounds that you would otherwise spend on professional fees – an equivalent specialist adviser may cost £350 an hour on the open market - in document reviews and objectively reality testing you position within the context of a dispute.
- We have no monetary interest in disputes cascading further.
- We can't represent you in proceedings or in your negotiations, but we are links to those that can.
- We can guarantee that we'll give you advice you need to hear, rather than the advice you want to hear.
Duty of care
Documents We will review your documents to ensure they are fit for use; we deal with issues relating to:
Disputes We will work through your dispute and offer pragmatic advice on how best to manage your situation moving forward, including:
FREE forms, templates, documents and guidance We continually update our bank of advice based on the nature and of frequency of your enquiries. We have therefore developed a number of key documents to help you protect your business, including: |