Electrical Industries Charity
For over 100 years the Electrical Industries Charity (EIC) has recognised that providing individuals in the electrical and energy industries with access to the right support is the catalyst for creating better workplaces and industry communities. https://www.electricalcharity.org
ECA is a long term partner of the Electrical Industries Charity. ECA, its regional offices, and its members, raise thousands of pounds every year for the EIC.
EIC runs a range of initiatives to support some of the most disadvantaged people within our sector.
What do you call a huge power failure in our Industry?
The shocking and steady decline of the Electrical Industries Charity Power Lottery membership!
We need you to help us, help those in our industry.
Over the last 50 years we have seen our lottery membership steadily decline through the loss of traditional workplace and syndicate lotteries and so we are challenging all our 1.3 million Industry personnel to give up a cup-of-coffee each month (£3) and play our lottery.
We have seen a big spark to our support services and financial assistance grants since 2015 which is fantastic news as we are reaching and helping more people in our Industry. We have given financial assistance grants in varying forms to 672 people. Even more importantly, we have given support, direction and guidance to 4,154 people. That's a massive increase of 32% over the previous year.
But this means that we need continued financial donations from our supporters. Our current efforts need more juice and we need you to help ramp up the Amps by plugging in and signing up to our NEW POWER LOTTERY APP! Only 5p of your donation goes to administration of the lottery. 95% of your donation goes straight back into the pot that directly funds our Industry members in need.
It’s a Win Win situation, you could win £1000 a month at the same time as helping to change a fellow industry members life for just a £1.
We need your help today so please sign up and play!